We hope you're not on email today and are reading this later.

Congressman Andy Kim fills dozens of trash bags with debris on January 6. His actions after the insurrection were a radical break from -- and rejection of -- the violence.

Turn on images to see Andy Kim picking up debris after the insurrection.

Congressman Joe Neguse making the case for impeachment.

Turn on images to see Joe Neguse making the case for impeachment.

Mandela Barnes at 2018 PCCC candidate training.

Turn on images to see Mandela Barnes at PCCC's candidate training in 2018.

We hope you're not on email today and are reading this later. But we wanted to give thanks to some awesome political leaders that don't get enough attention. At the end, we'll ask you to consider giving $1 to each as a thank you.

Congressman Joe Neguse. In addition to doing America proud as an impeachment manager, and in addition to being the first Black Congressman from Colorado, Joe pushes a progressive agenda day after day in Congress including climate action, Medicare for All, and protecting voting rights.

Congresswoman Angie Craig and Congressman Andy Kim. Angie won by 2 points in a Minnesota heartland district. Andy won twice in a New Jersey Trump district. Both are top targets for national Republicans, and both have been stalwarts for bold things like fighting Big Pharma, taxing billionaires, and fighting climate change. You also may remember the iconic image of Andy Kim taking hours to clean up the Capitol after the January 6 insurrection. (We're proud that both attended a PCCC candidate training when they first ran!)

Congresswoman Marie Newman and Congressman Andy Levin. These two progressive stalwarts supposedly had safe districts in Illinois and Michigan. Then, redistricting happened -- the lines got scrambled, and we could lose two of our top allies in Congress. We appreciate them and are intent on keeping them in Congress.

Secretaries of State Jocelyn Benson (Michigan), Jena Griswold (Colorado), Steve Simon (Minnesota), Shenna Bellows (Maine). These people are keeping the trains of democracy on the track -- and Trump is targeting them so he can rig elections. We appreciate these heroes and need to protect them. It's also why we love the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State.

Senate candidates Mandela Barnes (Wisconsin), Lucas Kunce (Missouri), Morgan Harper (Ohio), and Charles Booker (Kentucky). Among this bold progressive crew we have folks leading in the polls, leading in fundraising, and leading in grassroots organizing. If even two of them win, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema no longer have a veto -- and bold progressives will be the deciding vote in the Senate. (We're also proud that multiple of these heroes attended a PCCC candidate training!)

House candidates Brittany Ramos Debarros (NY-11), Summer Lee (PA-18), Attica Scott (KY-03), Tom Winter (MT-01), and Jessica Cisneros (TX-28). From winning a brand new district in Montana for progressive Democrats...to winning open Democratic seats in Pennsylvania, New York, and Kentucky...to defeating one of the rogue corporate-aligned House Dems who nearly derailed the Biden agenda in Texas...we appreciate this crew.

Karl Frisch. This longtime political ally ran for school board in one of the formerly most-conservative counties in America (Fairfax, VA) and won. He recently was accosted in a school board meeting, attacked for being gay, and has faced harassment online for weeks. We appreciate his leadership and strength. (We're also proud that he attended a PCCC candidate training when he first ran!)

Some rocking state legislators such as Wlnsvey Campos in Oregon, Eloise Reyes in California, Chris Larson and Katrina Shankland in Wisconsin, Padma Kuppa in Minnesota, Will Guzzardi in Illinois, Rebecca McWilliams in New Hampshire, and Dominique Jackson in Colorado. These folks are the future. Every day, they either battle crazy right-wing legislators trying to take away voting rights and health care from the public -- or, they are passing progressive laws on the state level. They have our appreciation and support. (Did you guess? Many of them also attended a PCCC candidate training!)

Please consider donating $1 to each of them -- just to say thanks, and to show that a movement has their backs. You can also donate to our PCCC candidate training program here.

There are many many many other unsung heroes out there -- school board members, city councilors, mayors, legislators, others in Congress. Together, we continued to build power. 

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)














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