Dear John,
On this Thanksgiving Day, I am thinking about you, an ardent WOLA supporter and champion of human rights. Your dedication to advance human rights and social justice for all those who call the Americas home does not go unnoticed.
I am grateful for the ways in which you move through life thinking about what’s right and just for others -- not exclusively for yourself. Actions like that are the foundation of this movement, of our shared goal of turning the tide of injustice.
As we begin to round out 2021, as holiday celebrations abound, whether they be virtual or in person, I hope that you will pause for a moment to think about those who have helped and supported you on your journey in life. We all owe a debt of gratitude in some form or another and mine is in part what you have helped WOLA to do - and what you will continue to help us do in the coming months and years. Thank you so very much.
Wishing you a warm and relaxing Thanksgiving.
Con gratitud,

Carolina Jiménez
President, WOLA