this is an important moment for our campaign

Team  — I’m going to ask you to make a small contribution to my campaign, but let me explain why it’s important we hit our $150,000 goal first. 

We’re at a pivotal moment in this race. The polls have us chasing down President Trump’s lead in key states like New Hampshire, and they show that conservative and independent voters are looking for someone else to vote for in their 2020 primary.

With Thanksgiving and the holiday season around the corner, we’re expecting a drop in donations right before the first in the nation primaries and caucuses, a time in which we should be investing MORE in our voter outreach programs and digital ads.

As of right now, we’re $25,000 short of our goal and we need to get as many grassroots contributions in before TONIGHT at midnight if we want to have the infrastructure we need to win this primary.

Can you help us close the gap by making a contribution today before our midnight deadline?


Thank you for your support,


Paid for by Weld for President 2020 Presidential Campaign Committee · United States
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