45 Day Countdown: Donations still urgently needed for CND's vital campaigning in the lead up to the crucial nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference in January 2022
Dear Friend,

You may have received my email recently, asking if you could help support our urgent winter appeal.

We've had a great response so far, and are more than halfway towards our overall target, but we still need to raise at least £14,000 if we're to fund all the campaigning work necessary before January's crucial nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference in January.

As a reminder, this is a once-every-five-years opportunity to shine a spotlight on the Government's disastrous and illegal plans to increase the UK's nuclear arsenal, as well as its ratcheting up of military tensions with China.

We still need your help to oppose these plans: will you support us by donating today?
Support our winter appeal
This opportunity to challenge the Government both internationally and domestically must be seized. We will not have an opportunity like this again for some time. Together, let's take advantage and put some real pressure on the Government.

In peace,
Kate Hudson
General Secretary
P.S. We now have less than two months until the start of the NPT Review Conference in January, and we have a lot of work to do before then. Please, if you can, donate today. Thank you.

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