Green Party of the United States
Hi Greens! It's been an exciting and busy month for the Green Party! Our Green Candidates and their Campaign Teams are working hard to "Get Out The Vote" for November 5th. Good Luck to all of our candidates and thank you so much for putting yourself out there and running for office. Thank you to everyone who is helping to keep our Green Wave going! Win or not win, you're all doing something amazing. 

The 2019 Election season is almost over and Greens are looking ahead to 2020 and beyond. On the national level, our awesome Steering Committee is having an in-person retreat/meeting later in November to finalize the 2020 Strategic Plan. Read more about that from Hillary Kane, below here under Green Party news. 

Many of our State Parties are starting their Candidate Recruitment Drives and are doing extensive outreach in their neighborhoods and on social media. It's great to see more Green state and local parties starting to use Twitter and Insta more now. 

Speaking of Media, when we were mentioned by Trump and H. Clinton this week, found ourselves back in the news and needing to respond. Our amazing new Communications Manager, Michael O'Neil, was right on it and arranged for our response to be printed in Rolling Stone magazine! You can read the whole story below. Dr. Stein responded back too. 

That's all for now! 

Starlene Rankin, GreenLine Editor and Green Party Staff Member


Green Party torches Hillary Clinton for claiming Jill Stein is ‘totally’ a Russian asset

“Brazen Orwellian doublespeak” — that’s what the Green Party is saying in response to Hillary Clinton’s accusation that their 2016 candidate, Dr. Jill Stein, is “totally” a “Russian asset.” “Clinton has spent her entire career as an asset of Wall Street, the police state and war — the real dangers to everyday people in the United States and around the world,” Green Party communications manager Michael O’Neil said in a statement to Rolling Stone on Friday. CONTINUE READING

Small Cash Grants to Green Candidates in 2019

Last month, the GPUS Coordinated Campaign Committee (CCC) awarded $1800 to seven candidates running for local office around the country in 2019. They are:

Craig Cayetano, Hawthorne Town Council (NJ)

Danielle Swift, St. Paul City Council (MN)

Mike Cease, Tuscon Mayor (AZ)

Monica James, Muncie City Council (IN)

Tara Yaney, Edgewood Borough Council (PA)

Joshua Bradley, Raleigh City Council (NC)

Michael Cooper, Portage City Council (IN)

The CCC is also helping candidates with visibility and promotion. The committee hosted its second annual Facebook Telethon on October 3rd, featuring these and other candidates for local office.


Jill Stein slams Clinton for Gabbard attack: 'You can't just slander people'

Jill Stein interviewed by Michael Smerconish on CNN Saturday morning regarding Hillary Clinton's recent smear attack. Click here to watch. 


National Steering Committee plans for a Strategic Planning Retreat in November!

The GPUS Steering Committee will be meeting in Camden, NJ, at the end of November to think strategically about the future direction of the Green Party. The SC will be thinking about both external factors (how does the Green Party relate to voters in this current political moment?) as well as internal factors (how can we improve our systems and processes for smoother operations?)  It has been over five years since our last Strategic Plan, and it's definitely time for an update. Stay tuned for the recommendations that will emerge from this gathering.


Jill Stein challenges Hillary Clinton to debate after 'Russian Asset' smear

"It's past time to give the American people the real debate they deserved in 2016." Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday made the baseless claim that Dr. Jill Stein, the Green Party's 2016 nominee for president, was a Russian agent—an allegation that was met with derision from Stein and an invitation to debate. CONTINUE READING


Gear up for #GivingTuesday! As an antidote to the hyper-consumption encouraged on "Black Friday", the Tuesday following Thanksgiving has become a day for promoting giving to important causes. We hope you will consider contributing to GPUS on Giving Tuesday and also sharing with your community why you believe it is important to support the Green Party and our eco-socialist challenge to Wall Street's two-party cartel.

Between now and Tuesday, December 3rd, think about the first Green candidate you ever supported, an event you attended, or the issue that sparked your involvement in Green politics. Why did the Green Party seem necessary to you then, and why is that still true now? We are so grateful for your support in 2019 and can't wait to win with you in 2020!


WE need YOU to run for office in Texas! The Green Party of Texas (GPTX) is now recruiting Green candidates for the 2020 general election ballot. For detailed information on running as a Green, please review our candidate FAQ.

Local Green groups must operate precinct nominating conventions on March 10, and these events must be posted with GPTX and your county clerk by February, so please register your county's consolidated precinct nominating conventions with GPTX by emailing [email protected].

GPTX is committed to maintaining a ballot line to advocate for the people's issues as articulated in our platform. For this reason, GPTX has joined with other parties, candidates, and voters in filing a lawsuit to challenge Texas' unconstitutionally burdensome ballot access requirements. CONTINUE READING


More Greens Running in Connecticut than other states. Not Democrats, not Republicans, the Green Party in Connecticut is running more candidates in local elections than it ever has before, and it is running more candidates in more local elections than any other state in the union. Take, for example, the Town of Clinton, located on the shoreline in Connecticut. There are nine Green Party candidates running in the local election. There are Green Party candidates running for positions for every council, board and commission in the Town of Clinton. The Green Party candidates’ slogan is: “Vote Clean, Vote Green.” The Green Party candidates believe in clean government and clean environment. They want a town government that is responsive to the community and is free of nepotism, cronyism and corruptions, and that protects and preserves natural resources for the present and future generations. CONTINUE READING


Green Party of New York decries Jacobs' ballot access plan. Green Party of New York officers said that the plan floated by Campaign Finance Commission co-chair Jay Jacobs to raise the minimum vote total for ballot access to roughly 250,000 votes was an unacceptable attack on real third parties in New York. Party officers said the Commission should instead ban fusion and make ballot access for third parties easier, including allowing any statewide office vote totals to qualify a party. 

"Raising the minimum vote total for ballot access to ~250,000 votes for a gubernatorial candidate would make it nearly impossible for the Green Party, or any other third party, to maintain a ballot line. This is the behavior of a cartel looking to minimize competition. One of the reasons the Green Party agreed with the potential fusion ban is that parties would be forced to run their own candidates, which broadens democratic choice. This is nothing but an anti-democratic proposal by Commissioner Jacobs," said party co-chair Peter LaVenia.

"We suggest instead that the Commission look to broaden access to the ballot. Why not allow 50,000 votes for any statewide office to grant ballot access? Almost all other states have fairer ballot-access requirements. Commissioner Jacob's proposal would be almost unmatched in its difficulty. There are fairer, and better, ways of structuring ballot access and none of them include raising vote thresholds," concluded party co-chair Gloria Mattera.


Green Party of the United States · PO Box 75075, Washington, DC 20013, United States . This email was sent to [email protected]. To stop receiving emails, click here.


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