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Thursday, November 25th, 2021


The West, a Mockery of Freedom

Thierry Meyssan

Covid Concentration Camps for Australians; It’s Happening

Jon Rappoport

Thanksgiving 2021

Andrew P. Napolitano

Biden Advises Americans Who Can’t Afford Gasoline To Buy an EV

Eric Worrall

String of Pearls: Yemen Could Be the Arab Hub of the Maritime Silk Road

Pepe Escobar

Smallpox: The Historical Myths Behind Mandatory Vaccines

Kristoffer Mousten Hansen

Print the Legend

Steve Sailer

The Jolly Roger Dollar

George F. Smith

They Live Amongst Us: Anatomy of a Cult

Dustin Broadbery

Corrupting Science: in Syria Probe, OPCW Erased Experts’ Inconvenient Findings

Aaron Maté

Slightly Up From Slavery

Doug Casey

Austria Is Leading Europe Down a Dark Path

Fraser Myers

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