“SFTR worked diligently to make sure that transit riders’ needs in the Tenderloin are part of the discussion. We’re grateful for their help to get the 31 Balboa restored.” 

- Jamie Valoria, Community Organizer with the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation

This is just one of the wins San Francisco Transit Riders board and staff would like to celebrate with you on Friday, December 10 at our Red Carpet Party

The last eighteen months, coming out of the woes of the pandemic, have shown us how transit operations affect riders on an everyday basis. And as we have advocated for partners like TNDC in restoring crucial transit lines, we are also reminded of the harms that several communities have historically experienced including riders who have been left behind in our local decision making.

It is in the midst of that tension between experiences of our communities and the critical investment in the future of our transit system, that we invite you to celebrate this year’s true wins, when riders - seniors, transit dependent people, communities of color - demanded restoration of vital service connections in their neighborhoods and when together with our other regional partners we secured stimulus funding for transit. We can also reflect together on the pandemic as this pivotal moment when reform seems plausible after painful disruption and begin to strategize for our collective future where we can even come out stronger than before.

We also promise the evening with tasteful art, delicacies and refreshments, where Dr. Kafui Ablode Attui’s Rights in Transit will be a perfect through line. Please consider joining San Francisco Transit Riders' Red Carpet Party on Friday, December 10 at Maker Art Gallery in North Beach.

We are truly grateful for your partnership and support and for the abundance that our region offers, we hope we can cherish that with you. 

Vinita Goyal

Interim Executive Director
San Francisco Transit Riders

P.S. Don't forget about our upcoming book talk with Dr. Kafui Ablode Attui and transit rider and advocate Regina Islas on Wednesday December 8th.


P.O. Box 193341, San Francisco, California  94119 [email protected]

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