John, did you see the HUGE update from Marcus earlier today? Georgia has approved new district lines that are going to make Marjorie Taylor Greene's seat up for grabs. ----Begin forwarded message---- John, This week the Georgia State Legislature passed a map that is going to make Marjorie Taylor Greene’s district SIGNIFICANTLY more Democratic. This means my campaign for Congress now has an even better chance to flip this district. These new district lines mean that thousands of new Democratic and undecided voters are now going to be in play -- and we’re launching a bold new initiative to reach these voters wherever they are. If we’re successful, we WILL flip this seat and defeat Marjorie Taylor Greene.
This is a huge momentum boost for our campaign, and I know that we can get this done. Talk soon, Marcus Flowers Paid for by Marcus for Georgia Marcus for Georgia If you believe you received this message in error or wish to no longer receive email from us, please unsubscribe. |