Abolitionist Community Organizing & Education Tuesday, November 30, 2021
4pm PST/ 6pm CST/ 7pm EST
How does political education help build political unity, increase organizing power, and help people change their everyday lives and conditions?
Join us for a webinar about organizing against criminalization and exploring how political education can be used for campaigns and projects to maximize their liberatory potential.
Christopher R. Rogers, Police Free Penn
Sally Lee, Teachers Unite
Stephen Wilson, imprisoned columnist of The Abolitionist newspaper
Zachary Clarke, Black Organizing Project
This collection, including the accompanying forthcoming website and discussion guide, offers educators, parents, and young people entry points to build critical and intentional connections to the growing movement for the abolition of the prison industrial complex, particularly in PreK-12 learning contexts.
Near the end of October 2021, long-time anti-prison organizer, abolitionist and revolutionary, Bo "Rita" Brown passed away. On our website, we share a few resources to uplift and remember Bo's countless contributions to the freedom struggle, as well as the news of her passing that was shared on Facebook last month, with information to donate to help cover memorial expenses as well as upcoming virtual and in-person celebrations of her life. Read here.Bo Brown, presente!
Save the Date, BAY AREA: December Freedom Friday & Prisoner Solidarity Mailing If you're in the Bay Area in December, come by 4400 Telegraph for two events to build people power and connection! On Friday, December 3 from 4-8pm, come support local artists at our Holiday Night Market andget your holiday gifts. Join us again on December 17 to support our comrades in jails and prisons through our annual Prisoner Solidarity Mailing program.