Freedom Watch Founder Larry Klayman Says President Biden Rightfully Under Criminal Investigation by International Criminal Court in Connection With Afghan Drone Strike That Killed Seven Children and Others
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PR Newswire
November 24, 2021
/PRNewswire/ -- Today, Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, which he currently runs, was informed by the International Criminal Court ("ICC") that it is including in its ongoing investigation and criminal proceedings of crimes against humanity in Afghanistan, negligent homicide and manslaughter allegedly committed by President Joe Biden in ordering a drone strike that killed 10 innocent Afghan social workers, including seven of their young children, in the wake of the deaths of 13 American servicemen. "These crimes occurred after Biden had abandoned our troops and allies during the recent withdrawal," said Klayman.

The complaint filed by Freedom Watch against Biden and the response of the ICC's Office of the Prosecutor (, speak for themselves, said Klayman.

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