(Pumpkin Pie Edition)
Hello Text Troopers :)
Unlimited pumpkin pie is just around the corner... >:) November is the month of gratitude, and no one is more thankful than we are for having such a wonderful group of volunteers helping us enact positive change!

If your mail is late this month, it may be due to turkeys taking revenge for last year.

Now on to our newsletter!

What's New:
We want to feature more volunteer-made content! Do you have a political blog, podcast, or Twitter account?  Drop us an email to let us know!

Omnivorous October:
During the month of October, we continued to text for AG Mark Herring and Texas House candidate Frank Ramirez! While the result wasn't exactly what we'd hoped, we are still grateful for all the amazing work that our volunteers put in, sending over 2,000,000 texts in VA & TX. 
Upcoming Texting:

We will have weekly vaccine texting again! 

Boosters and shots for ages 5-12 are now more widely available :)

See our Upcoming Program Calendar for regular updates!
Text Troop Slack ➡️
TextOut ➡️
Our Impact: 
Best Texts:

Yay :)
Trivia Time! 

In 2020, the US had one of the highest-turnout elections in history. The state with the individual highest turnout was 80%, and it also had the highest turnout % in 2016 and 2012. What state is it?

Take Action:

As some of you may know, some phone carriers are trying to put restrictions on P2P (peer-to-peer) texting, which can effect the ability of advocacy organizations to fight for positive change.

It’s CRITICAL that we let the decision-makers & regulators know how important P2P texting is to civic advocacy. Please take action below, and learn more at Let's Talk 10DLC
Write your Congressperson today 💻
Hi friends!

One last thing before you go... 

Please consider becoming a monthly sustainer (or one time donor) to Open Progress.  Your small-dollar donations helps us keep the conversation going! :)
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