Jack — The outrageous rising costs of prescription drugs have been the source of heated debate in legislatures across the nation. According to polling, eight in ten adults agree that the price of prescription drugs is unreasonable.

The Build Back Better Act would lower prescription drug costs by allowing Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug costs. So we want to know, Jack, do you support this component of the Build Back Better Act?


KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation), one of the leading sources in healthcare policy research, estimates that premiums savings for Medicare beneficiaries could increase by as much as 15% by 2029, saving Americans billions. Meanwhile, Big Pharma is investing millions in roadblocking this critical component of the Build Back Better Act. 

We have a real opportunity to make necessary prescriptions low-cost and affordable for those who need them, but only if we work together against the corporate special interests to pass this important legislation. Let us know: Do you support lowering prescription drug costs with the Build Back Better Act?


Thank you for using your voice to affect meaningful change for families across this nation. Let’s do this!

— Team HEAL