From DPVA Poll Update <[email protected]>
Subject These districts could tip control
Date October 31, 2019 8:07 PM
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Christopher Newport University just conducted a poll of four of the most competitive Senate races in Virginia and the results are looking good for Democrats. 51% of Voters prefer the Democratic candidate in these districts compared to 37% who prefer Republicans. The poll also showed that Democrats have a double-digit advantage among people who are enthusiastic about voting.

This is all great news, but we can't let up now during these last few days. Republicans have poured over $3.66 million into these four districts since the beginning of October. They know that control of the Senate is going to come down to a few crucial races.

We need to flip just two Senate seats to take the majority. Can you chip in today to help us keep our advantage?

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Quentin Kidd, one of the pollsters at CNU, was crystal clear about how important these races are. "These districts could tip control of the Virginia Senate," he said. We know Republicans aren't going to give up easily. They're putting everything they've got into these races so that they can maintain control of the Senate and continue to block progressive policies from becoming law.

We need your help to fight back and help us flip the Senate. Will you chip in to help us win on November 5?

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