GOP TARGET ALERT: NRCC adds Colorado's 6th district to their 2020 target list
Friend, Team Crow isn't surprised by this news. Far-right and special interest groups targeted Jason in 2018, and we knew it would only be a matter of time before they would do it again -- and this is dangerous for Colorado. Now that the GOP's campaign arm is consolidating their support behind a hand-picked candidate who will do their bidding, we know they'll stop at nothing and spend any amount of money to unseat Jason in 2020. We need to take immediate action to fight back and build up our war chest for whatever attacks that could come our way. We're counting on your grassroots support -- will you donate $5 or more NOW? The NRCC already stated they're going to ensure Jason's opponent remains "well-funded" -- and it's clear what that means to them: unlimited dark money donations from outside sources. Jason has never backed away from a tough fight, and this campaign refuses to back down now. Even with special interests eyeing the district, we know Jason's grassroots supporters are strong enough for us to respond to any attacks and show the NRCC the people of CO-06 are with Jason 100%. Jason doesn't accept donations from corporate PACs, so Team Crow needs our grassroots supporters to step up. Every penny counts -- will you pitch in $5 or whatever you can? Thanks, Congressman Crow HQ | |||
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