One week from today, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in an abortion rights case that could gut Roe v. Wade.

Hi John,

One week from today, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in an abortion rights case that could gut Roe v. Wade. We cannot hold our breaths hoping that the justices will rule in our favor. The anti-choice Supreme Court has made it clear that precedent means nothing.

If Roe v. Wade is gutted, the minority will have ruled. Because here is the truth: The majority of people want abortion to be legal.

If Roe v. Wade is gutted, abortion access will be left in the hands of state lawmakers.

If Roe v. Wade is gutted, the fight to protect abortion and reproductive rights will be one that is won at the ballot box -- because we know that who we elect matters.

The answer is to elect pro-choice women.

Pro-choice women leaders understand that upholding reproductive rights is trusting someone to make decisions about their own body. Pro-choice women leaders understand the government has no place in telling people how and when to start a family. Pro-choice women leaders understand that this is about the pursuit of reproductive justice, so that everyone has the same tools to make choices for themselves and for their future -- no matter your race, gender identity, geographical location, socioeconomic status.

Ahead of the Supreme Court arguments next week, will you stand with us and commit to electing pro-choice women in 2022? Sign your name here.

Because of redistricting, every single seat in the Minnesota state government is up for election in 2022. This means that the 2022 Midterm Election will determine reproductive rights and its far-reaching impacts in Minnesota for generations to come.

And when it comes to winning elections, pro-choice women are the best bet. In 2020, every single pro-choice woman incumbent in the Minnesota Senate won re-election and two pro-choice women flipped seats. And in the Minnesota House, Speaker Melissa Hortman holds the gavel still because 10 of the 11 pro-choice women who flipped seats in 2018 WON re-election.

The fact of the matter is when pro-choice women run for office, they win -- and at higher rates than their counterparts. Women Winning-endorsed candidates had a 70% win rate in 2018. In 2019, an 85% win rate.

John, pro-choice women deliver for themselves, their communities, and for the majority that is a pro-choice Minnesota. That’s why we’re asking you today to add your name to let us know you’re with us as we head into 2022.

Together, we can protect choice, not just for ourselves, but for generations to come. We can elect leaders who we can see ourselves in, electing leaders that truly represent all of us. This is YOUR power with your voice and your vote.


In community,

--Team Women Winning

Women Winning is a Minnesota non-profit corporation that is recognized as a tax-exempt 501(c)(4) organization. Contributions are not tax-deductible for income tax purposes.
Women Winning
2233 University Avenue West
Suite 310
Saint Paul, MN 55114
United States