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![]() Hi John,Fire Drill Friday Upcoming Rallies What: Fire Drill Friday Rally When: November 1st and 8th at 11am Where: South East Lawn of the capitol building, near the intersection of 1st St. and Independence Ave SE CODEPINK has joined Jane Fonda’s Fire Drill Fridays this fall! Since Jane Fonda launched her Fire Drill Friday rallies, CODEPINK has been there in support to say War is not Green! Every week focuses on a different issue exacerbated by climate change, and the next two weeks highlights issues very important to CODEPINK: women’s equality and the role of war and the military. This Friday November 1st, the rally will be centered on the impact of climate change on women, including incredible women speakers such as Eve Ensler, and Friday November 8th is the week dedicated to protesting the war machine, as the US military is the number one producer of carbon emissions. The rally will take place on the southeast lawn of the Capitol Building, across from the Library of Congress and near the intersection of 1st St & Independence Ave SE. The rally will go from 11am–12pm, followed by an optional civil disobedience action. If you plan to risk arrest with Jane Fonda, please join us at 9:30am Friday at the United Methodist Building on Capitol Hill, just across from the U.S. Capitol Building, 100 Maryland Ave NE. We will go over the specific rally and action plan for the day as well as a legal briefing, and share some coffee and breakfast. At 10:45am we will walk over to the Capitol for the rally to begin at 11am. Celebrate Jane Fonda's Weekly Climate Actions (Fire Drill Fridays) and join discussion about climate and militarism What: Watch Jane Fonda’s teach-in on war and the climate and join in lively discussion When: November 7th @ 7pm Where: 450k street Busboys and Poets location Join CODEPINK at Busboys and Poets for an exciting evening watching Jane Fonda’s Fire Drill Friday Teach-in linking militarism and climate change, followed by a discussion about what we can do. Joining the conversation will be Ben and Jerry (yes, the ice cream guys!), CODEPINK CoDirector Jodie Evans, author Phyllis Bennis of the Institute for Policy Studies, Greenpeace Executive Director Annie Leonard, Ciara Taylor from the Poor Peoples Campaign and world-renowned climate scientist Michael Mann. Stand up and Demand Trump’s Removal What: Remove Trump week of protest When: November 2nd-11th Where: In front of the White House Join CODEPINK as we gather with Remove Trump and stand against Trump’s corruption from November 2nd-11th. Demonstrators will converge in front of the White House everyday from the 2nd to the 11th at noon and 6pm to call not just for impeachment but for Trump’s total removal. On Friday the 8th, Remove Trump will also be participating in Fire Drill Fridays, and invite those in attendance to join them for a march to the White House, passing Trump Hotel. Join us as we stand against the corruption and greed of the current president. In
Solidarity, |
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