Finishing off our Remembrances Series, this week’s topic will center around our historic Thanksgivings in the Ville. But first, let’s review some of the events that are happening today:
- NCF Holiday Home Tour goes virtual this year. For more info, go online at or contact Christmas Carol at 248 347 0200.
- Christmas in the Village (Mill Race Historical Village) – December 3rd & 4th, 5PM – 8PM.
For additional info click on or call 248 348 1845.
- December in Downtown Northville – “A Holiday to Remember!” Friday nights will feature music in the streets, Saturday nights will offer Horse & Buggy rides and on Sundays, we’ll have live Reindeer & Holiday Characters around town from 3PM - 5PM.
Some quick COVID updates:
- In the battle for COVID-19 treatments, several drugs have shown promise. Currently, the two oral antivirals, Molnupiravir from Merck, and Paxlovid from Pfizer, are being hailed by many. There are still questions about their efficacy & safety, so the search for safe, effective treatments continues. (Medical News Today)
COVID-19 CONFIRMED CASES: Northville has had 356 cases*/8 fatalities, Township 3054/53, Michigan 1.4M/25K, Nation 48M/773K, Global 258M/5.2M. ( *Wayne County data
- Starting in the late 1800s, large community Thanksgiving gatherings took place at the Town’s meeting place (the Princess Rink, across from CVS on Dunlap), all for Northvillians and visitors from surrounding communities.
- Historically, ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve services were held with many of the local churches gathering together, helping to grow a holiday spirit of cooperation and support.
- According to the 152 years of postings in the Northville Record, Thanksgiving baskets & meals for those in need have always been part of the Northville holiday. Many organizations such as the Masons, Eagles, VFW, American Legion, Rotary, Woman’s Club, and the congregations among other support groups have continued this tradition.
- Even in the early 1900s, there was a great deal happening around Thanksgiving in the Ville, including the traditional Thanksgiving football game at the Athletic Park (where Northville Downs is today) and events at the library, sponsored by the Woman’s Club.
- According to the Northville Record, 1932 was an extraordinarily hard year. City Council rose to this emergency occasion and combined efforts with the American Legion, along with many other local organizations to assist those in need. Today, Civic Concern, working with many local organizations, have continued the tradition of assisting those in need during this time of thanksgiving.
I thank you for sharing your time & talents during this past year for our community and bid you a joyful family-filled holiday. I truly wish you a safe, restful & enjoyable Thanksgiving weekend. Let’s all continue to share with those around us who are in need on a daily basis. Additionally, I encourage you to connect with those in your lives who need to hear your caring words (doesn’t matter, use phone, text or email) and wish them a Joyous Thanksgiving.
Keep that Northville Thanksgiving Faith!
Brian Turnbull
Mayor – Northville
[email protected] / 248.505.6849
(Reach out to me anytime or forward this communication to others interested.)