COVID Concentration Camps are no longer theoretical, they’re happening in at least one developed nation, complete
with military vehicle transport for those infected or exposed to the disease. That’s
right. First world countries are locking their people up for the “crime” of choosing bodily autonomy rather than government dictates.
It’s happening right now in Australia, which at last check, was considered a free
country. Now though, government goons are snatching people from their homes if they have been diagnosed with the virus or if they’ve
just been exposed. All of them are sent to camps now. None of that is up for dispute.
The question is, what will you do to stop it from happening here? Politicians and lawyers -- even those who believe in liberty -- can only do so much to slow the
spread of tyranny. Good people like you have to stand up. I’ve been saying it for months
now and I will continue to say it. Your resistance is required to end the Coronacrisis.
The authoritarians do not want the crisis to end. . . It’s been too profitable and given the elites the ability to seize more power than they could have ever imagined.
I hate to ask you this so close to Thanksgiving, but will
you consider chipping in $9 or more today to help your Campaign for Liberty fight these tyrants on all fronts?
It’s been rough lately, with so many battles to fight at the local, state, and national levels.
Please be assured my staff works very hard to stretch every dollar as far as they can.
They’ve been working with the grassroots to successfully spread the message of freedom far and wide, recruiting,
equipping, and training activists for battle, and thwarting most of what Washington statists have thrown at us.
But fighting all of these battles hasn’t been easy and it’s taken a toll on our bank account.
I hope you’ll agree to a generous donation of $9 or more today to
keep Campaign for Liberty going strong for the remainder of the year. Patriot, of all the
battles we have to engage in right now, there isn’t one more important than the COVID tyranny.
Other countries are experiencing massive protests over COVID vaccination mandates and “Vaccine Passports.” So far, we’ve
stopped the statists from instituting a federal Vaccine Passport here, but it’s lingering like a dark cloud that could unleash at any moment.
The resistance is growing in countries around the world – sometimes in places you’d
least expect it -- and that is a very encouraging sign. My hope is that Americans will follow
their lead and continue to stand up in our own way. Instead of the massive protests,
we’ve seen walkouts, which have been a very effective strategy against Biden’s COVID vaccine mandate.
Major airlines, police departments, fire departments, and others have had to back down from vaccination requirements.
No jab, no job is starting to fail, and that didn’t happen by accident.
It’s because of resistance by people just like you.
Since day one of the draconian lockdowns in March of last year, I have been
spreading the message in opposition to what was coming out of the CDC and Dr. Fauci. We at
Campaign for Liberty have worked with liberty legislators and our strong grassroots network to push back, and we’ve won some important battles,
but there is so much more work to be done. We’ve been right from day one and I am urging
you to help us continue this fight! Would you rush in a donation of $9 or more right now to
keep Campaign for Liberty on the front lines of the fight against COVID tyranny? As I predicted months ago, Dr. Fauci is now pushing COVID vaccination
“booster” shots. There is no
data to determine whether boosters are even safe, but that’s not stopping Fauci from suggesting that THREE JABS may soon be required. From
FoxNews on Sunday: "People should not be put off by the fact that as time goes by and we learn more and more about the
protection that we might modify the guidelines," he explained. "That’s what we’ve been saying all along by follow the science,
things change and you have to follow the data." Fauci wants to move the goalposts AGAIN. Patriot, bending the
knee will lead to an endless number of mandatory shots just to live your life. What started as “15 days to slow the spread” has turned
into medical tyrants -- led by the maniacal Dr. Fauci -- taking every inch given by a mostly obedient public.
At Campaign for Liberty, we’ve been screaming from the rooftops that you cannot negotiate with
the medical tyranny. But fighting against this medical tyranny, along with all the
other battles we’ve been waging against the totally corrupt political class, has come at a VERY steep price.
That’s why I am
urging you to agree to a donation of $9 or MORE if you can afford it! These
oppressive mandates, which are supposed to be based on “science,” could not be more UNSCIENTIFIC.
The U.S. is one of only two first-world countries (along with Germany) that pushes vaccine mandates regardless of natural immunity. This is about POWER and CONTROL, not about stopping a virus.
Not to mention that the failures of these rushed Big Pharma jabs that were sold as the “end of the pandemic” are starting
to pile up. Yet they keep pushing the mandates further and further.
Now the medical tyrants are insisting children from age 5-11 must be vaccinated with no data to support
they are at high risk from COVID -- this shows that we let them take too much ground!
I cannot emphasize it enough -- the time to take action to protect our children is RIGHT NOW.
Patriot, any consenting adult who wants to take the COVID jab is free to do so. But those who prefer to opt out, including parents whose
responsibility it is to choose for their children, should not be forced to do so. It
is a personal choice, end of story. Americans must stop listening to Fauci, Biden,
and all the mini-tyrants that their useless health mandates have enabled. If we don’t,
we’ll quickly end up like Australia, or even Austria, which has two classes of citizens – the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.
Campaign for Liberty has been on the front lines fighting against the tyranny from day 1 of this
cooked-up Coronacrisis, which is why we need your help now more than ever. Patriot, I am counting on you to rush a donation of $9
or whatever you can afford today, or I’m afraid we’ll have to start making cuts to our programs.
The good news is the medical tyranny is failing in the court of
public opinion. Their credibility from 2020 is gone and all that’s left are the fears
that they’re using in a desperate attempt to cling to the power they’ve seized . . . permanently. The fight to preserve health freedom will continue to be the biggest battle we face in 2022. The political class has invested so much time and money into making the COVID tyranny permanent, so you and I cannot afford to
let them gain any more ground. For Liberty,  Ron Paul Chairman P.S. There is
no limit to what freedoms Dr. Fauci and his band of mini-medical dictators will take from us if the public continues to obey him.
Campaign for Liberty urgently needs your help as the 2020 Coronacrisis extends into 2022.
Please consider
a generous donation now. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here.
The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American
principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education,
issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.