The Trevor Project
Thank a Volunteer


This time of year is a time for gratitude and appreciation. At The Trevor Project, we want to spotlight the amazing work our volunteers are doing and give them a special thanks (from us and from you!).

Every day, LGBTQ young people reach out to The Trevor Project to let us know how grateful they are because our counselors were there for them in a moment of crisis.

Will you join us today in sending a message of gratitude to our volunteers? We want to show our volunteers just how appreciated they are, by us and by our supporters. We’ll take your messages and share them with our volunteers before the holidays.

We thought that you — a caring and loyal Trevor supporter — would like to read a few of their powerful messages: 
"Thank you Trevor Project. You saved my life." "I called the crisis line and one of the volunteers talked me down and I am here because of her. You helped save my life and countless others. Thank you." "Just like to point out that you saved me from suicide four times last year."
Seeing these amazing responses from our young people shows just how hard our volunteers are working every day. Their dedication truly knows no bounds.

Friend, your message will go a long way. Expressing gratitude is helpful to the mental health of our young people and our volunteers alike. Please join us and send a “Thank You” to our dedicated volunteers now.

Grateful for you,

The Trevor Project
Your safety is our top priority at The Trevor Project

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The Trevor Project
The Trevor Project is the world’s largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning) young people.

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