We need your help - your voice does make a difference! No images? Click here Hi there, We just wanted to send you a quick note about the NDIS Bill… People with disability and families are very worried about some of the proposed changes to the NDIS Act and Rules. The NDIS Bill as it stands would give the NDIA CEO the power to change your plan at any time. That should happen only under 'limited circumstances' - but the government have not said what those limited circumstances are. Many important parts of the Bill depend on rules that haven't been published or consulted on properly. And many have given the NDIS Minister new broad sweeping powers to change the rules at any time. Without agreement from the state and territory Disability Ministers. But if we all work together we can stop this. The Senate can make or break this. Thousands of people have already taken action and we hope you can do the same (or send a new email). Head to our website - add in your details and hit send! The email is written and ready to go. NDIS Minister Linda Reynolds will ask the Senate to vote this Bill through, before the end of next week. We don't have much time left - but we do have people power! Can you please take a minute or two to hit send on the email? Thank you for all that you do. The Every Australian Counts team ![]() PS - Are you from Tasmania, South Australia, or Queensland? Would you like to make an even bigger impact? You have crossbench Senators - they are Senators who don't belong to major parties. The way they vote could make or break this. So don't be afraid to get in touch with them or their office staff directly. It is their job to listen to and represent you in Parliament. Queensland crossbenchers
South Australian crossbenchers
Tasmanian crossbencher
Thank you so much! |