Last week, the House passed the historic Build Back Better Act, delivering on our promises! This follows the passage of the bipartisan Infrastructure and Jobs Act, which brings $3.5 billion to Connecticut for federal highway programs and $561 million to Connecticut for desperately needed bridge replacement and repairs.


Last week, the House passed the historic Build Back Better Act, delivering on our promises! This follows the passage of the bipartisan Infrastructure and Jobs Act, which brings $3.5 billion to Connecticut for federal highway programs and $561 million to Connecticut for desperately needed bridge replacement and repairs.

These are real programs that will bring real relief to all people in CT. These bills are the investment in our future that Americans need and deserve.

The Build Back Better Act means lower child care costs, universal pre-K for all American children, growing our clean energy economy, lower health care costs, paid family and medical leave, lower prescription drug prices… and SO much more.

THIS is what happens with Democrats in the majority. THIS is the progress we can make for the American people. Will you contribute a recurring donation of $20.22 – or any amount that makes sense for you – to keep Democrats in charge so we can continue to make life better for everyone?

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I am – as always – keeping my head down and focusing on my work. Focusing on making a positive impact where I can. Many of the priorities I fought for were included in the final version of the Build Back Better Act. But the relentless attack ads and GOP trackers assigned to me have not slowed down while Congress worked hard to bring these positive changes to American families.

So now is the moment to contribute, John. With less than 12 months until Election Day, we need to keep pushing forward and be resolute in our message: We are not going anywhere.

It is the EARLY support that pays off when the going gets rough. When the nasty mailers drop, when the divisive rhetoric starts to penetrate, when millions in opposition advertising meant to distract from the real work floods the airwaves – it is because of supporters like you who have invested EARLY who ensure we have the resources to get my positive, unifying message out above the rhetoric.

In 2018, we came together, worked hard, and won big. We did the same thing in 2020. Now, we’re ready to move ahead of the critical 2022 midterm elections and spread the word about the important work Democrats are fighting for on behalf of the American people. We did not come this far to only come this far!

If you’re ready to do what it takes to hold this seat and the House so I can continue my work in Washington, please consider a recurring donation of $20.22 or any amount that makes sense for you. We need the early investments to hold this seat.

Thank you for trusting me with your vote and for trusting me with your voice. With your support, we will get it done!

– Jahana



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Paid for by Friends of Jahana Hayes

Friends of Jahana Hayes
P.O. Box 1487
Waterbury, CT 06721
United States