OUR CHOICE THIS WEEK Dare to Question: One Parent to Another A Personal Journey - Dare to Question: One Parent to Another, has been authored by Ted Kuntz, a father, a medical choice activist and educator. Kuntz’s journey to examine the claims of the vaccine industry began after his son Joshua was neurologically injured by the diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus shot (DPT) in 1984.
Download Dare to Question Vaccines Flyer HERE.
Tue, Nov 23rd, 8 pm PT VCC LIVE TUE Open Discussion Join us to catch up with each other and share stories of action and encouragement.
Wed, Nov 24th, 7 pm ET VCC LIVE WED Chris SKY Chris Sky is one of Canada’s best known freedom fighters. For the last 2 years he has criss-crossed the country calling out the tyranny destroying our rights and freedoms and teaching us how to take them back. His message of united non-compliance is mobilizing and empowering Canadians to Just Say No. No stranger to controversy and persecution, Chris is a fearless advocate for protecting our children from the experimental injections. He joins us straight off of his No Vaxx Pass Tour. https://realchrissky.com/
Thu, Nov 25th, 7 pm
ET VCC LIVE THU Open Discussion Join us to catch up with each other and share stories of action and encouragement.
Sun, Nov 28th, 12 pm ET VCC LIVE SUN Dr. Gabriel COUSENS Join us for Part 2 with Dr. Gabriel Cousens, who is a Doctor of Divinity as well as Holistic Physician, Homeopath, Psychiatrist, Family Therapist, Ayurvedic Practitioner, and a Chinese Herbalist. His many designations attest to a dynamic, eclectic, comprehensive body of practical knowledge that
creates the foundation for his unique teachings on Holistic Liberation and Live Food Veganism. Additionally, he’s a world leader in healing diabetes naturally and as a bestselling author of 13 books, his writing approach supports and inspires people into the sacred joy of being free and fully alive.
Wed, Dec 1st, 7 pm ET VCC LIVE WED The Resistance CHICKS The Resistance Chicks are sisters, Leah and Michelle Svensson. Through their news broadcasts, website and social media presence, they empower people with tools to stand up against tyranny. They have a worldwide audience and their goal is to bring real, relevant news, with a side of crazy and laughter to help the
red pill go down. They end every show with their tagline: "It's not just a Conspiracy Theory if it's the Truth" because the truth is stranger than fiction. PREVIOUS VCC
LIVE BROADCASTS Recordings of interviews with our guest speakers are posted on the VCC video channels. Find them here: Bitchute, Rumble, Brighteon, Librti. LINKS FOR PREVIOUS VCC LIVE GUESTS VCC LIVE SUN, NOV 21 - David Icke
VCC LIVE WED, NOV 17 - Ty & Charlene Bollinger https://thetruthaboutcancer.com https//www.thetruthaboutvaccines.com
VCC LIVE SUN, NOV 14 - Dr. Gabriel Cousens Dr. Gabriel Cousens Global - Global Store Tree of Life Foundation - Uplifting individual and planetary consciousness Special to the National Post – Lawyers launch the Free North Declaration — a call to defend civil liberties in this country...
Governments globally have declared their intention to inject every human on the planet with experimental COVID biological products regardless of the risk to the individual. This callous disregard for risk is particularly evident with the recent decision to make these COVID-19 products available to children 5 - 11 years. Please read and share this VCC Position Paper - Protect Your Children widely as it presents the key considerations we need to assess the risk to our children.
Should your children get a shot if they don't need them?
This may be the most important decision you will ever make for your child. Making an informed decision involves many steps. On this downloadable document entitled, Compare Canada’s Vaccine Schedules, you will see how the amount of vaccine doses from birth to 18 years of age has changed from the 1950’s to 2020. Download HERE.
Health Conversations - Parents, in your questioning of the COVID-19 vaccination for 5 to 11 year olds, there is little one can tell you concerning the short- or long-term safety of these vaccines in children, since little evidence exists yet. This
article contains some information for you to consider that can help to empower your decision making.
This Is What Makes Reasonable People Cry Foul, Conspiracy And Crime!!! More people died in the key clinical trial for Pfizer’s COVID vaccine than the company publicly reported. Read Brian Peckford's article here.
MAKE A DIFFERENCE Vaccine Choice Canada exists thanks to the effort and support of its members. If you are not a member of VCC yet, ![]() CONTINUE READING THE FULL VERSION Please open the READ MORE link below to continue on to our newly formatted newsletter that highlights other current information, actions you can take, coming events and so on. A note about privacy - by registering you agree to participate in a Zoom call open to member, subscribers and their contacts. Information shared during the Zoom call is available to all participants, including images, your name, chat or oral comments and questions. Please use your own discretion since VCC cannot guarantee your privacy. Suggested steps you can take if this is a concern: please consider using your first name only or an alias; keep your video off; and refrain from sharing personal identifying details in the chat.. Vaccine Choice Canada is a federally registered, volunteer run, not-for-profit educational society dedicated to helping families make voluntary, fully informed, and health-conscious choices. This information is for educational purposes and is not intended as legal, health or medical advice.