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We have a quick question: Can you make a $3 contribution to help us match the $849,119 our Republican opponents raised?

We knew Alexandria would be a huge target.

Two Republicans raised $849,119 to defeat us. They’ll throw the kitchen sink at Alexandria — ads, mailers, push polls, billboards. We have to be ready.

So we set a goal of raising $849,119 in October to match them exactly. But the time is ticking down, and we’ll only reach it if a lot more people chip in now.

Add a $3 contribution right now to help us reach our goal before the end of the month.

Donate $3

Under enormous pressure to give in to the political establishment or abandon working class people, Alexandria has never let us down. She’s brought our fight for a Green New Deal, Medicare for All, and a Just Society straight to the source of power in D.C.

Now, she needs our help to ensure she can run a strong campaign that builds on the movement we started. Thank you for chipping in today. It’s a really big help as we strive for this goal.

-- Team AOC

Want to support the Warren wing? Senator Elizabeth Warren says, "When PCCC members donate millions in small-dollar donations and make millions of phone calls for progressive candidates, leaders in Washington, they take notice." Chip in $3 here.

Paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC (www.BoldProgressives.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the PCCC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.