
With Thanksgiving a few days away, it’s time for an important conversation about our country’s food system.

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed factory farms for what they are — bad for our farmers, consumers, animals, the environment, and public health.

They are breeding grounds for animal abuse and disease, and experts warn that infections, diseases and even full-blown pandemics can be born in these massive, cramped warehouses of livestock.

If you agree we need to repair our broken food system, add your name as a citizen co-sponsor to my bill, the Farm System Reform Act, which would put a stop to factory farming for good.


Dire working conditions, unchecked pollution, animal cruelty, and squeezing small family farmers are just a few of the reasons why I’ve been leading the fight to end factory farms.

In the early stages of the pandemic, the supply chain nearly failed due to hyper consolidation of our livestock and meat supply chain. Hundreds of meat processing workers died of COVID.

All while multinational meatpackers are making record profits during the pandemic and continuing to influence federal farm policy.

You might know that I'm a vegan, but this is so much bigger than individual choices. This is about a system that exploits workers, abuses animals, harms our environment, rips off consumers, and funnels the benefits to a small slice of corporations at the top.

It’s time we reform our broken food system and invest billions of dollars transitioning to one that is safer, more resilient, and levels the playing field for workers, independent family farmers, and ranchers.

If you’re with me, become a citizen co-sponsor of the Farm System Reform Act. I introduced this bill to crack down on monopolistic meatpackers and excessively large factory farms while providing relief to local family farms.


The Farm System Reform Act is the first step to tackling this important issue that impacts millions of people every single day. Together, we can level the playing field for independent family farmers and create a more resilient and efficient food system for all Americans.

Thank you for your support.

— Cory