Educational Gag Orders + Fascist Verdict in Kenosha
Uploaded November 21: Coco Das guest hosts coverage of Kenosha protests of the Rittenhouse acquittal and interviews Jonathan Friedman, PEN America, about their new
report titled “Educational Gag Orders” about the onslaught of
legislation restricting public education in the US about race, gender
and American history.
Friedman is the director of free expression and education at PEN
America, where he oversees advocacy, analysis, and outreach to
educational communities and academic institutions.

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Jonathan Friedman: "These laws all over the country, bills introduced and other kinds of decrees being signed on to by state school boards are meant to function as gag orders. Anything that is in that book, you know couldn't be introduced in a classroom, couldn't be given as an assignment. So we use the term gag orders because that is the intended and actual effect. I think most important thing for people to do is to understand this as a threat to the librarians. The teachers really need people's help to come to their aid in this moment, because it is a wide scale attack on public education."
Coco Das:
"It’s important to understand that all of this is of a piece. Kyle Rittenhouse’s crime and acquittal, the censoring of historical truth in our schools, and the banning and possible burning of books – are a revanchist response to the beautiful rising of protest against police brutality and white supremacy in the summer of 2020, a mass movement that put fascists on the defensive and sent Trump to his bunker. This shows how much they fear our power when we fill the streets for humanity, diversity, equality and justice – for the future we want. In order to consolidate power, the fascist movement must crush dissent."
Refuse Fascism Statement on the Acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse: We Need a Beautiful Rising to Stop Rising Fascism – No Fascist Vigilantes in Our Streets!
Voices in Outrage at the Rittenhouse Verdict
Protests Over the Not Guilty Verdict for Rittenhouse: Taking a Stand in the Streets

>> Print this poster for protests in the event that the killers of Ahmaud Arberry are acquitted
On Wednesday December 1, the US Supreme Court will hear arguments aimed at reversing Roe v Wade to end abortion rights. Bring the message to SCOTUS Abortion on Demand and Without Apology! In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America!
>> The Women's March calls on people to surround the Supreme Court
>> StrikeforChoice calls on people to take action wherever they are in protest of the threat to abortion.
Abortion on Demand & Without Apology protest signs here
>> 2021 mission statement
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