Not sure if you saw my note yesterday, but our deadline is just hours away and I’m really counting on you. Can you chip in now and push us to our go

Hey Friend,

Not sure if you saw my note yesterday, but our deadline is just hours away and I’m really counting on you.

Can you chip in now and push us to our goal?

I’d really appreciate it, friend! 


----- forwarded message below -----


I know how busy you are, but I was hoping I could grab your full attention for just a quick minute. I promise I’ll be brief.

Every political effort here in Bend is about ideas… but unfortunately, spreading the word about these big ideas comes at a cost. As we begin to look ahead to 2020, there are going to be, without a doubt, MANY ideas for Bend that are worth spreading. I need to make sure I’m  ready, and for that I need your help.

We're coming up on a tight deadline to meet our end-of-month fundraising goal and I'm going to be honest, I need your help. We’re about $4,000 short.

This deadline is critically important to our campaign, as it will guarantee that we’re on the right track to make sure everyone hears our positive message. Can you chip in now before the clock runs out?


Friend, this is such an important time, and it’s important to me that we can focus on the real issues… not politics. If we’re going to get there –  to really be able to talk about SOLUTIONS – we’re going to need to get past those who would rather play political games and stick to the status quo. It’s going to take support from people like you.

We have a chance to make a difference by meeting our goals.  If you can chip in just $5, you can really make a difference.

Friend, I'm counting on you to do your part as soon as you can.

CHIP IN $100

Will you help me out?

Cheri Helt






Paid for by Cheri Helt for State Representative


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