More than just a thank you
National Domestic Workers Alliance (Logo)

John— Domestic workers are some of the most at-risk and invisible workers in the nation, and every day the National Domestic Workers Alliance works to change that.

Today, we want to offer you the chance to help spread our message far and wide with these limited edition pieces that show domestic workers that you see them and value them.

When you give $7 we will send you a “I Support Domestic Workers” sticker which, no matter where you place it, proudly proclaims your support of domestic workers.

NDWA Sticker

Get Yours Now!

For just $15 we will offer a “I Support Domestic Workers” mask. No matter where you go, you’ll be taking our message with you, and inviting others to advocate for the millions of nannies, house cleaners, and care workers who care for us and our families.


Get Yours Now!

Finally, our timeless and striking 11x7 printed portraits by artist Cece Caprio, honoring the legacy and contributions of our movement's ancestors, can be displayed in the background of all of your Zoom calls and help start a conversation about how their work lives on.

NDWA Posters

Get Yours Now!

We would be so proud to see these out in the world, and to see more and more people loudly and boldly standing with domestic workers. We couldn’t do that without advocates like you.

Thank you for all you do,

The National Domestic Workers Alliance Team

P.S. Make your contribution by December 8 to ensure that you receive your gift before the holidays!