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Dear John,

Simo is an older mule who gave a lifetime of service to his owner. But sadly, severe poverty caused a reduction in his food. Simo was supposed to get 8 grams of bran daily. He only got two!

The poor owner, distraught by seeing his loyal mule in such a weakened state, brought Simo to the American Fondouk – and just in time! We came up with an emergency plan to save Simo’s life, and ensure he’d get the food he needs.

Repeat your generosity today, and help us care for Simo, and all the working animals of Fez, Morocco. Now, during our  $50,000 Challenge Match campaign, your gift will DOUBLE in value to provide a wide range of veterinary services to help  these animals survive — and thrive!

Match My Gift

We gave Simo a dental exam, and corrected his teeth. Then we weighed him, gave  him some antiparasitic medicine, and administered some vitamins. Best of all, we put Simo on a diet of high energy concentrated horse feed!

To make sure Simo’s progress continues, we provided his owner with a 40 kg sack of this feed, and arranged for him to bring Simo back for a full checkup twice a month. Please help us continue this work — make a gift that goes twice as far!

With my deepest thanks,


Dr. Gigi Kay


American Fondouk

P.S. In his weakened condition, Simo couldn’t even carry the 40 kg sack of feed. So, we put both Simo and his owner in our ambulance to return them home. Remember, any gift you send will be matched – up to a total of $50,000!

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