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Dr. Paul Gosar
Dear Fellow Patriot,

I'm under attack from all angles. 

The Communist Democrats in the media, the weak RINO Republicans, and even the unfunny cast of SNL -- they're all calling for my head. 

They hate that I'm President Trump's best ally in Congress, and they want to see me destroyed. 

I'm hoping I can count on you to show me your support in the face of these vicious attacks in the form of a contribution to my reelection campaign today

This is nothing new for me, fellow Patriot. 

They've been trying to silence me since they stole the 2020 election

Loser Republicans like Evan McMullin and Bill Kristol want to support a primary challenger against me. 

I have a simple message for them: bring it on.

Send them a message that I'm not going anywhere by contributing to my reelection campaign today

I won't stop fighting to put America First, no matter what they throw at me. 

That's what this is all about. 

They're desperate to kill our movement. 

Help me show them that the America First movement is alive and well with a $25 or $50, or even $100 or $250 to my reelection campaign today.

Your generous contributions to my election campaign will help me fend off any pesky RINO primary challengers or Communist Democrats who want to take me down

For America,

Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS

Arizona’s 4th District

P.S. The Communist Democrats, RINOs, media, and even SNL are calling for my head. 

They want me gone because they hate that I'm putting America First. 

I need your support today to fend off these vicious attacks so I can continue to put America First in Washington



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