Only a week until John Penrose MP launches Poverty Trapped at the ASI!
Next Tuesday the ASI will be joined by John Penrose MP for a drinks reception and lecture to launch his forthcoming paper Poverty Trapped.
Penrose emphasises spreading opportunity by equipping people with the skills, education and attitudes — rather than equalising incomes.
The paper highlights the importance of addressing the mounting cost of housing. Planning reform would remove a huge barrier to opportunity by reducing living costs and making it easier to move for a better job.
Penrose focuses on street votes for greater density and design, upwards house building in cities, and delivering greater benefits from housebuilding to local communities through a levy on land given permission, all of which will enable increased housebuilding and act as a catalyst for greater prosperity.
With only a week until the event, there’s not long left to secure your place.
The details:
Adam Smith Institute, 23 Great Smith Street, SW1P 3DJ
Tuesday, 30th November 2021
18:00 - Doors open
18:30 - Lecture starts
19:15 - Q&A
20:00 - Event closes