Dear John,
Last week, citizen Roger Pence shared his views on why he is supporting Neil Tibbott for Mayor of Edmonds. His letter can be found on the Beacon website Roger's letter is below...
By Roger Pence
I was downtown having coffee the other day and a new friend stopped by. She saw my NEIL for MAYOR button and asked why I'm supporting Neil Tibbott for Mayor of Edmonds. This was an easy conversation.
After the City Council confirmed my appointment to the Planning Board this spring, Neil Tibbott was the one councilmember who reached out to me. I was anxious to talk because of his long experience on the Board prior to serving on City Council.
Neil is an easy guy to talk with. He's refreshingly open and candid, and I found we agreed on most issues. He wants to put higher density development on 99 where it belongs, not increase building heights in the downtown area, and preserve and enhance our natural environment, especially the Marsh.
Our decision for Mayor will shape the future of our city. Does Edmonds stay Edmonds, the calm and mostly smooth-running small city we know and love, or does it drift into turmoil and dysfunction like Seattle?
Public Disclosure reports for our mayoral candidates are revealing ~ and troubling. We read that Mr. Nelson has hired Seattle's political superstar, Christian Sinderman, to run his campaign for Edmonds mayor.
Sinderman is at the heart of the Seattle political machine. His people occupy half or more of Seattle city council. Their disruptive and contentious politics are totally wrong for Edmonds. We don't need, we don't want Seattle's failed programs and wasted money.
In contrast, Neil doesn't even have a campaign consultant. He runs his own campaign and makes his own decisions. Neil's only focus is Edmonds and making our city a better place to live and work and enjoy.
Neil will be an accessible Mayor. He will increase public participation (regular Town Hall events) and make Edmonds a more inclusive and welcoming community. Most importantly, he will never, ever compromise the integrity of the Mayor's office. And he pays his taxes on time.
I moved away from the Seattle political machine. I don't want it following me here to Edmonds. Neil Tibbott is the Edmonds candidate for Edmonds Mayor, and he deserves our votes.
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