After this month's election in Virginia, there was plenty of doom and gloom on Twitter and TV. I don’t think all hope is lost for Democrats -- but we will need to run strategic campaigns and work even harder than we have in years past.

But I’ll cut through the BS and tell you this, there’s a lot at stake:

If we lose the Democratic majority, we lose the ability to oversee and administer the programs we will create with the Build Back Better Act. It’s one thing to pass legislation that creates good programs. It’s another to make sure those programs are run effectively and efficiently, and Congress plays a key role in that. We need to hold our majority so pieces of Biden’s agenda, like universal pre-school and allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices, are successfully implemented and people are able to utilize them.

If we lose the Democratic majority, corporate PAC money makes a comeback. In 2018, myself and many of the new Democrats I was elected alongside were some of the first to reject corporate PAC money. It was a pledge that united moderates from Trump-voting districts and progressives from deep-blue seats alike, and it really shook up Washington. But the number of us who don’t accept corporate PAC dollars is dwindling, and many of us are most at risk in 2022.

If we lose the Democratic majority, it will be much harder to fight for American families. The list of issues we still have to tackle is long—from ensuring everyone has access to quality healthcare, to combating climate change, to voting rights. And you can bet if Republicans are in charge, they’ll be erasing progress we’ve made over the past few years.

The PCCC was instrumental in helping me win in historically red Orange County in 2018. Now, this district is key to holding the House majority. So if you can, help us defend this seat with a contribution that will be split between my campaign and PCCC.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed instantly, split between Katie Porter for Congress and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee:

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Or, donate another amount.

Thanks for your support, John -- much appreciated!

-- Congresswoman Katie Porter (CA-45) 





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