In this electronic issue, some of the content you will see includes:
The latest from the Epilepsy Genetics Initiative, a database created by CURE Epilepsy, made possible by a generous contribution from the John and Barbara Vogelstein Foundation, in partnership with the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, to hold the genetic data of people with epilepsy and be made available for research.
Progress from the Post-Traumatic Epilepsy Initiative, a program created by our grant from the Department of Defense Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychological Health Institute.
Daniel Allbeck’s story of his struggle with epilepsy and his path to seizure freedom thanks to information obtained at a CURE Epilepsy event.
Our unwavering commitment to find a cure is made possible by members of our community, like you. We promise not to stop until we achieve our shared vision: a world without epilepsy.
With sincerest gratitude,
Beth Lewin Dean, CEO
CURE Epilepsy