We are inviting you, our valued audience member, to partner with us to explore how Race Forward and Colorlines are meeting your needs in these extraordinary times, and what we can do to better serve you and the 21st century racial justice movement. To aid us in this effort, we have teamed up with HIT Strategies research firm to better understand your experiences and the type of content and resources you find most useful.
It is important that we listen and learn from you. Therefore, we hope you will take part in this 10-minute online survey to provide your insights and opinions. This survey is entirely private, and your responses will not be individually identifiable. In addition to accessing the survey by clicking the link above, you can also access it by scanning the below QR code with your mobile device:

Your feedback is instrumental in our continued efforts towards realizing a racially just world in which we can all thrive and people of color have equal access to rights and power. While we know that your time is valuable, we do hope you will consider taking ten minutes to share your feedback and voice with us.
From all of us at Race Forward and Colorlines, thank you for your valued support.