In September of 2010, I woke up in Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. I looked down at the end of the bed where my feet should have been, and they weren’t there. I had lost both of my legs after an improvised explosive device planted by the Taliban went off beneath my feet in Afghanistan.
I was in rough shape, just like every one of the veterans who were there with me. Some, like me, had lost limbs. Others were covered in burns and some had lost their eyes. We all had long roads to recovery ahead of us, but what motivated me was knowing that regardless of what I had lost, I lived in America, and that meant that I could wake up and decide that today would be better than yesterday. 

That’s why, as an America First Member of Congress, I’ve fought just as hard to defend America from the tyranny of Joe Biden. Today, I need your help in that mission. Will you answer the call?
Here’s why I need your help…

Ever since Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, people have been asking me, for the first time, "was it worth it?"

As someone who left both limbs and friends in Afghanistan, I can tell you that seeing the Taliban back in control, seeing terrorists overrun the territories you drove them out of, and seeing them impose Sharia law on innocent Afghans does make you think about that question. It does give you doubts. 

But your support has been so critical in erasing those doubts from my mind. Together, I know that we will hold Joe Biden accountable and send a clear message to all Afghanistan war veterans that we have their back!
And, despite all of that, I want to make clear that I am still extremely thankful this holiday season.

First, I am thankful to be alive. Wars are not lost by those who trek through the rice patties and jungles, or who climb over mountains and through deserts. Those are the men and women who saved my life.

Wars are lost by the piss-poor decisions made by the occupant of the White House. And, in this case, the blame falls squarely on the shoulders of Joe Biden. He will need to live with the lives he cost and the veterans he disrespected.  

But that doesn’t change my opinion about my time in service. It was worth it to serve alongside my brothers and sisters in arms, and it was worth it to be part of our nation’s proud tradition of military service.

So, second, I am thankful to my fellow veterans. They made it worth it.  They served with honor and with humility. They set an example that inspired me every day that I was in Walter Reed and has inspired me every day since.

And third, I am also thankful to patriots like you. You recognize the disaster that Joe Biden is inflicting upon our nation and are determined to do something about it!  

So, please, will you help me respond to Joe Biden and make it clear to him beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is responsible for this disaster and that the American people will not tolerate it anymore!
Thank you for your support, 
SSG Brian Mast, U.S. Army (ret.)