The House passed the Build Back Better Act, what it means for survivors of violence and communities. Email not displaying correctly?
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Dear John,

When the House of Representatives passed the Build Back Better Act on Friday, it was a historic moment in our collective work to stop violence and heal those harmed by it. This legislation offers hope and promise for the prevention of the violence that takes such a terrible toll on families and communities; for schools, communities, and health systems that are better able to care for those who violence harms; and for greater economic stability for low-income women and children.

Build Back Better makes critical investments in families and communities of color, who are among those most harmed by the pandemic, violence, and systemic racism. It includes:
  • A refundable Child Tax Credit to help 39 million families support more than 60 million children, and particularly benefit mothers experiencing violence or at risk of losing custody of their children;
  • Housing vouchers for more than 300,000 households with low incomes, including about 80,000 new housing vouchers specifically for people at high risk, including those experiencing domestic violence or who have been trafficked;
  • $5 billion for targeted programs to reduce violence in the communities that have been hardest hit by homicides;
  • Targeted maternal health programs to help save the lives of those who are pregnant and newborns, with a particular focus on addressing the devastating rates of maternal mortality experienced by Black and Native women; and
  • Major investments to build the mental health workforce to help children, youth and adults who are suffering from trauma and loss.

FUTURES WITHOUT VIOLENCE worked hard to shape and support passage of this transformative legislation. Now we need your help to get the Senate to pass it.  Please click the Take Action button below to tell your U.S. Senators that they need to pass Build Back Better with all the essential provisions intact, including equal access to help for immigrant children.

We are grateful for the support from the Biden/Harris administration, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and other leaders in Congress. Now we need to get Build Back Better through the Senate, so our country can finally turn the page on the pain and suffering so many people experience due to violence and abuse.

Thank you in advance for your help.

In solidarity,
Esta Signature

Esta Soler
Founder & President



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