Roy Beck's new book


With this book by NumbersUSA's founder Roy Beck, you never again should feel the slightest bit defensive if somebody tries to suggest that your work for less immigration is somehow less than honorable.


. . . provides a 200-year story of how the periodic outbursts of mass immigration -- like you are trying to tame today -- have been among the most powerful forms of anti-Black racism in this country.

CLICK ON THE IMAGE OF THE BOOK TO ORDER NOW in paperback or Kindle format.

Early readers are already sending in their comments:

"An easy read . . . more like a novel." -- Charlotte
"For many years I have realized that mass immigration is bad for Black Americans (and poor Americans in general). But Roy Beck's magnificent, comprehensive book fills in so many important details that I was unaware of." -- Lindala
"It gives me chills it is so well written!" -- Karen
"It's a tour de force -- a patient, calm, researched, methodical work. The quotes are just fabulous. It's a heartbreaking read." -- Lesley

The Amazon website has a review by Tom Broadwater, the head of Americans4Work which focuses especially on increasing employment for African Americans. He states:

"As an African American, I believe that all Americans need to read this book to better understand the economic-deterioration and cultural-disintegration we've observed in Black American communities since 1970, but have not been able to explain." -- Tom
"... educated me and opened me to a problem that I had never considered." -- Robin
"I just ordered a copy from Amazon to be sent to a dear Black friend with a note that read, 'My hunch is that I could not send a finer gift to you than this book.'" -- Bill

ORDER NOW at the Amazon introductory half-price offer. (All proceeds go to NumbersUSA.)

Roy states:

"There is no question that the greatest impediment our movement has had over the decades in moving immigration reductions through Congress has been the immigration expansionists' indiscriminate charges without evidence that restrictionism is somehow racist. The charge frightens even significant portions of Americans who already agree wholeheartedly with the need for lower numbers. It has been particularly effective in discouraging journalists from treating our policy positions as legitimate options for public debate.

"But despite well-funded and well-organized attempts over the last quarter century to paint immigration restrictions as racist, the stories in BACK OF THE HIRING LINE vividly show that it is the policy of mass immigration itself which always has been anti-Black racist in results, if not intent."

Most people in our movement have long known this and talked about it. But we have never before had a central repository of everything we know and that was organized into a single engaging narrative. Now we have one!

"Black history we never learned." -- Jake
"It reminds me of an excavation of a lost civilization. We are always told that history is written by the winners, and this lost history certainly underscores this reality." -- Lesley

Anne Manetas, NumbersUSA's executive vice president, writes on our website:

"Considered against the backdrop of the current national reckoning on race, the book establishes with great credibility that supporters of lower immigration levels truly stand on solid and high anti-racist moral ground in our efforts to reduce annual immigration numbers."

Roy says "the gaping chasm of wealth inequality between the descendants of American slavery and every other group of Americans is not only a tragedy for those African Americans but a grave threat to our civil society."

This NumbersUSA book makes it clear that the path to narrowing inequality requires getting far more of the African American underclass into jobs and tightening the labor market enough so that the lower rungs of the jobs ladder pay more. Neither can happen as long as mass immigration continues. (And as the book repeatedly notes: Every immigration reduction that has helped struggling African Americans in the past has also helped struggling Americans of every other ethnicity, as well as recent immigrants.)

We believe this book can significantly change the narrative of the immigration issue. But, frankly, it can't do that unless many thousands of people are reading and then sharing the book. Will you please help make that happen?

ORDER NOW at the Amazon introductory half-price offer that we've arranged while the NumbersUSA mailing list is responding to this email. (All proceeds go to NumbersUSA.)

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