Over 1,400 dolphins, including pregnant mothers and calves, were slaughtered in the Faroe Islands. Dolphins are one of earth's most intelligent species. They understand joy... and grief. Imagine the terror they faced in that gruesome bay. The Faroese Prime Minister pledged to review hunt regulations -- but now there's real danger of a weak, phony review. We can't let that happen -- but with a million voices, we'd put massive pressure on the Prime Minister for an urgent moratorium and a full scientific review. Every signature and social media share builds that pressure. Sign before the next hunt happens: Dear friends, Locals call it the 'Grind' -- a brutal hunt where hundreds of dolphins are trapped in a bay, and butchered.But this year was different.Over 1,400 dolphins were driven onto the beach and slaughtered one by one. Terrified dolphins thrashed around as pregnant mothers and calves were also killed. Many suffocated on the sand. Days later another 53 pilot whales were killed.Dolphins are one of the earth's most intelligent species. They have memories and call each other by name. They understand joy... and grief. Imagine the terror they faced in that bloody cove.These brutal hunts must end.Over half the islands' citizens want dolphin hunts to stop, and after huge public outrage, the Prime Minister pledged to review the hunt's regulations -- but now there's real danger of a weak, phony review. We can't let that happen. With a million voices, we'd force this back on to the agenda, and put massive new pressure on the Prime Minister. Sign before the next hunt happens: