Weekly Round-Up

Quincy news highlights

November 21, 2021


Our Military in Decay? Facing Some Hard Truths
By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Editorial Director
American Spectator, 11/14/21

Twenty years after 9/11, is our military's leadership about anything more than Washington’s revolving door and huge contracts?


Is the Saudi Crown Prince the Main Driver of Inflation Dogging Biden? 
Interview with Annelle Sheline, Research Fellow
Background Briefing with Ian Masters, 11/15/21

Breaking down reports that Mohammed bin Salman is refusing President Biden's request to release more oil.


More Deferential but Also More Political: How Americans’ Views of the Military Have Changed Over 20 Years
By Non-Resident Fellow Robert Ralston& Ronald Krebs
War on the Rocks, 11/17/21

Is the public’s lack of commitment to democratic civil-military relations and its politicized view of the military a new problem?

Adam Weinstein Joins Afternoons with Todd

Interview with Adam Weinstein, Research Fellow
Newstalk/WTIC, 11/17/21

A discussion of the politics that uphold American militarism and the future of U.S. foreign policy.


Bolton’s Bluster on China Strategy Is All Hot Air, as Always
By Michael Swaine, East Asia Director
Responsible Statecraft, 11/18/21

At least he is consistent. Biden’s policy may be unclear, but the former National Security Adviser offers nothing to fill the gap. 



Senator Leahy Worked Consistently to Take the Bite Out of War by CEO Lora Lumpe, Responsible Statecraft, 11/18/21
The Enduring Cruelty of America’s Sanctions Regime by Blaise Malley/Quoted: Advocacy Director Marcus Stanley, The New Republic, 11/17/21 
Rep. Gallego Wants DoD to End ‘Traitor’ Michael Flynn’s Pension by Alexander Ward & Quint Forgey/ Cited: Quincy Institute, Politico, 11/17/21
What We Need Is a War on Emissions by Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, Responsible Statecraft, 11/17/21

White House Promises ‘Intensification’ of China Engagement After Biden-Xi Meeting by Research Associate & Reporter Ethan Paul, Responsible Statecraft, 11/16/21

No More Loopholes: Ban All U.S. Assistance in Yemen War Now by Advocacy Director Marcus Stanley, Responsible Statecraft, 11/15/21

Whither the Iran Deal? by Curt Mills/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, The American Conservative, 11/15/21
Congress Might Require Women to Register for the Draft. Where Do Democrats Stand? by Non-Resident Fellow Robert Ralston & Jen Spindel, Washington Post, 11/15/21
'Infuriating' Report Reveals 'Breathtaking Cover-Up' of U.S. Airstrike That Killed Syrian Civilians by Jessica Corbett/Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Common Dreams, 11/14/21
‘We Need the Economy Resuscitated’: Aid Can’t Fix Afghanistan’s Food Crisis by Shereena Qazi/ Quoted: Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, The World/TRT, 11/13/21


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