Both parties suck and I’m going to tell you why.

I’m going to give it to you straight, John:

I’m running for Governor because frankly both parties suck.

Yes, you read that right.

Just this past week Ron DeSantis called a complete joke of a special legislative session that was more about furthering his own agenda as someone who doesn’t take the COVID-19 pandemic seriously than it was about crafting good policy.

And unfortunately far too many Democrats haven’t had the cojones to call him -- and all his Republicans -- out on his garbage.

Frankly, John, I’ve had enough.

And if you’re fed up too, I’m hoping I can count on your support and your $15 straight away. >>

I’m fighting harder than anyone else in this race, John.

I used my time in the DeSantis publicity stunt of a special session to call out the hypocrisy right on the Senate floor -- including introducing six separate amendments to push back against his anti-health COVID policies.

John, I want you to hear it directly from me: I will never stop fighting for you or for our great state of Florida.

That’s why I’m running for Governor -- and why I’m coming to you for your support right now.

If you’re tired of the same old politics, if you’re tired of Republicans trampling our rights, and if you’re tired of Democrats refusing to fight back, I need you with me right now.

Please, will you rush in $15 before midnight to fight alongside me?

CHIP IN $100
CHIP IN $250




Annette Taddeo is a small business owner who is running to defeat Ron DeSantis and become the first Latina governor of Florida.

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Miami, FL 33135
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Paid by Annette Taddeo, Democrat, for Governor

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