People For Supporter – The New York Times reports:[1] "Republicans are already poised to flip at least five seats in the closely divided House thanks to redrawn district maps that are more distorted, more disjointed and more gerrymandered than any since the Voting Rights Act was passed in 1965." They are rigging the playing field and subverting the fundamental democratic principle of “one person, one vote,” but we can still stop the Far Right in the critical upcoming midterms. We don’t stop fighting. Our democracy itself is at stake and giving up is simply not an option. That’s why we’re battling tooth and nail to pass the vital voting rights legislation that will curb the Right’s Jim Crow-style voter suppression, stop their extreme gerrymandering, and get their mountains of dark, corporate Big Money out of our elections. And it’s why we’re investing in the most creative and innovative approaches to energizing and mobilizing our voters. If ever our rights and our democracy need People For the American Way to be at peak fighting form, strong and well-resourced, now is that time. But to be at our strongest we need every one of our members standing with us as we head into this New Year. And we’re already behind in 2021 because, like other progressive organizations, we’ve seen drastic downward trends in donations since we booted Trump out of office, even though the threat of Trumpism persists. The consequences of a big Republican election win in 2022 would be dire. Trump lackey Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House, presiding over a majority caucus that wants to purge their members who voted for a bipartisan infrastructure bill but has the back of their members who aided the Jan. 6 insurrection and threaten violence against other members of Congress... If Mitch McConnell reclaims his Senate majority, confirmations of the president’s highly qualified and groundbreaking nominees – for the federal bench and crucial administration posts – would stop dead in its tracks... And big wins at the state level by pro-Trump (and Trump-backed) extremists, for positions like governor and secretary of state, would put in place the officials needed to complete a 2020-style coup attempt that failed last time, on behalf of Trump or another Trump-like candidate... People For is uniquely positioned to stop this scenario. That’s because the Right’s election playbook is one that we at People For have seen – and beaten – before ... right down to the Far Right’s attempts to make our schools the front lines of their culture war, something that’s emerging as the centerpiece of the Right’s 2022 election strategy. So join us in fighting to STOP extreme partisan gerrymandering and enact vital protections for voting rights. And join us in using our decades of experience to push back on the Far Right and defend our democracy. But, once again, our ability to do this work and have the impact our country needs depends on your support. Please don’t wait to renew for the critical upcoming election year – donate to renew for 2022 now>> Thank you for everything you do. Ben Betz, Digital & Organizing Team
[1] “Republicans Gain Heavy House Edge in 2022 as Gerrymandered Maps Emerge.” (The New York Times, 11/15/2021.)