Following yesterday's infuriating, unjust acquittal of white supremacist vigilante Kyle Rittenhouse, we wanted to make sure you saw this message from Women's March Executive Director Rachel Carmona:
The truth is that white supremacy — and the vigilantism it enables — is a threat to all of our communities.
From individuals like Rittenhouse, McMichael and the other killers of Ahmaud Arbery to dangerous, regressive laws like Texas' S.B. 8, we are seeing an alarming wave of far-right vigilantism and hate sweep across our country. We're coming to you at this important moment to ask if you'll be a part of our work to dismantle it.
The United Vision Project is a recent initiative that aims to shrink, neutralize, and transform the grip of white supremacy in our country — and we're hoping that you and as many people as possible will join our upcoming open house to learn more about how you can get involved.
The United Vision Project (a.k.a. UVP) is an initiative, anchored by United Vision for Idaho and Women's March, with partners that include data scientists, communications specialists, and progressive racial justice organizations.
It's an innovative, data-driven outreach program that speaks directly to the perilous racial divide in our nation — after all, over 74 million people still voted for Trump in 2020. There is a continued rising wave of white nationalism in this country and around the world, and we (and especially white folks) must work differently to confront and transform it so we can shrink, neutralize, and transform the grip of white supremacy and authoritarianism in our country.
UVP speaks directly to that divide in a bold, revolutionary way by reaching out to people with conservative beliefs who may be sympathetic to extreme nationalist movements and ideas.
With rigorous curiosity and radical hospitality, we have deep conversations over text message and phone to better understand others' points of view — and we'll be gathering the largest data set ever compiled on this topic so we can understand and transform. The conversations may be difficult, but they are an important step toward creating genuine change. And we cannot change what we do not understand.
So, join us on Monday, December 13 to learn much more about this important work, our partners and team, and how you can become a United Vision Project texting and phone banking volunteer, John. Click here to reserve your spot for our Open House on Monday, December 13 at 7:00 p.m. ET.
Women's March Organizing Team