Hi folks,

My family farm means everything to me — it’s a big part of who I am, and it’s why I’m proud to be in the Senate fighting for Montana’s values.

In 1910, my grandfather came to Montana. He came upon a piece of grassy land, took a look at it, and said “This is the place.” And that’s where the farm began.

They farmed the land until the early 1940s, and then my folks took over. In 1978, my wife Sharla and I took over the farm and we’re still here today, more than 40 years later.

We’ve made a lot of progress here — Sharla and I built a new home, several steel buildings, and more storage for grain.

For three generations we’ve worked this land. Homesteaders like my grandparents didn’t know the meaning of the word ‘quit,’ and neither do I. From investing in rural internet, to expanding access to health care and addressing the climate crisis — I’m fighting for Montanans every day in the Senate.

But I can only do it with your help. So folks, will you chip in any amount now to help fuel my campaign?

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Thanks for being part of the team.

— Jon