COVID-19 is real. Vaccines work.


Over the nearly two years of this pandemic — the worst in a century — our society has seen a troubling trend.

Far, far too many of our friends, family, and neighbors have fallen prey to misinformation spread by bad actors that makes them question vaccines, see masking as a political issue, or even disregard the threat of the virus.

And all too often, that misinformation is spread by politicians in a position of public trust.

Today, we need 200 Cooper supporters to sign our petition and join Roy in calling on the GOP to protect American lives and STOP spreading COVID misinformation. Add your name right now >>>


More than 750,000 Americans have died from this virus.

That is more than one in every 500 people in the nation. More Americans than were killed in the 1918 flu pandemic. More than were killed in every foreign war since the founding of our country — combined.

This is a national tragedy the likes of which we have truly never known.

Ultimately, the most basic duty of the government and elected officials is to serve and protect the people. Republicans who spread COVID misinformation have failed in that.

Enough is enough.

John, add your name to our petition now to tell them it’s time to stop the lies and defend public health and safety. Click here to sign >>>

Thank you,

Team Cooper