John — we have two very important pieces of information to share with you today.

  1. James Carville reached out yesterday with the news that Republicans have the best shot they’ve had in forty years to take back the Congress, which could lead to Mitch McConnell being installed as the majority leader, and unravel all the progress we’ve made.
  2. This news has lit a fire under us and we are pushing hard to hit this month’s 10,000 contribution goal so we can defend our majority.

So it’s crucial that we hit this goal. Republicans are on the offensive and we know they are going to spend millions to take back the majority.

The good news is we still have some time left to dig deep and knock this goal out of the park. So with our deadline approaching, we have to ask:

If you are able, will you make a $10 donation to Defend the Senate? We can’t afford to fall short of our 10,000 contribution goal, not when Republicans have their best shot in decades to take back the majority.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you so much for doing what you can to help Democrats hold the majority and continue to deliver for the American people.

Your support means so much,

Defend the Senate