I just voted for the Build Back Better Act and I’m proud to say that it just passed the House.

My vote may surprise you. The largely rural district I represent in Pennsylvania voted for Donald Trump. Twice. By a lot.

But they’ve also elected me five times -- a proud, progressive Democrat -- to fight for them in Washington.

Those who claim that the Build Back Better agenda hurts members like me have it completely wrong. The Build Back Better Act is good for me -- because it’s good for my community.

Can you chip in $5 to help me and other swing seat Democrats sell the benefits of Build Back Better in our swing districts as we campaign for re-election in 2022?

When I cast my vote today, I thought of the parents in my district who will be able to return to the workforce, because Build Back Better makes their child care more affordable.

I thought of the seniors in my district who will be able to hear their children and grandchildren, because Build Back Better expands Medicare to help cover hearing aids.

I thought of the young people in my district who will be able to find good-paying, union jobs in manufacturing because Build Back Better invests in job training for workers.

John, Democrats win when they run with vision. We win when we keep our promises. We win when we build an inclusive economy that lifts everyone up.

It was an honor to vote for this bill, which I know will help thousands and thousands of households in my community.

If Republicans take control of the House in 2022, they will do everything they can to dismantle this bill. They will try to take away programs from working families and redirect taxpayer dollars to giveaways to the rich.

We can’t let that happen. Help me and other swing state Democrats keep delivering on our promises by donating today.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- Congressman Matt Cartwright, Pennsylvania’s 8th Congressional District (@RepCartwright)



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