Did you see this?


Friend, did you see this?

Beto’s campaign is our chance to get rid of Greg Abbott and his extremist policies, which are all about dividing Texans so Abbott and his allies can consolidate wealth and power.

Now is the time to go on offense. We have brand-new proof that Ground Game Texas is significantly increasing voter turnout — details below — and we need your help to ramp up our work before Texas votes on its next Governor.

Lots of folks were inspired to pitch in after reading the email below, and we’re asking if you’ll join them. Will you donate to fund our proven strategy for mobilizing voters in Texas? Every dollar will increase our chances of unseating Greg Abbott in 2022.

Contribute $5

This is our chance to fight back. Let’s make the most of it.

— Team Ground Game Texas

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Julie Oliver & Mike Siegel [[email protected]]
Date: Mon, Nov 18, 2021 
Subject: How to beat Greg Abbott


It’s official: Beto O’Rourke is running to unseat Greg Abbott and serve the people of Texas as their next Governor. Ground Game Texas can help Beto win this race — and we have new data to prove it.

At the end of the day, Beto is going to need every last vote to beat an incumbent Republican like Abbott. The good news is we have a formula to turn out those voters: we’re putting popular progressive issues on local ballots and building campaigns that reach, inspire, and mobilize Texans to participate in elections.

Now, we have election data from our ballot campaign in Austin — and it shows that our formula works. Overall, Ground Game Texas petition signers are more than 125% more likely to vote than other eligible Texans!

Friend, Ground Game Texas is unlocking progressive turnout across Texas, and paving the way to elect Beto O’Rourke and a Democratic legislative majority. But we need to continue raising grassroots resources to scale up our work across Texas. Will you consider making a donation today?

Contribute $5

Our campaign to decriminalize marijuana and ban no-knock warrants in Austin is just the beginning. We’re planning to launch campaigns in dozens of cities and towns across Texas, from Killeen to San Marcos to the Rio Grande Valley.

Let’s do a little math here: if each of our campaign boosts turnout by thousands of voters, we’re looking at directly mobilizing more than 100,000 new progressive voters helping to decide the next Governor of Texas.

But having a winning strategy isn’t enough. Every time we launch a new campaign, that means hiring campaign staff, recruiting volunteers, knocking doors, and producing flyers and mailers — and we have less than a year until Election Day to scale up our work across Texas.

So we’re asking, friend, will you help us pave the way for Beto and Democrats in Texas? Please make a donation today to directly help Ground Game Texas mobilize tens of thousands of new Texas voters.

Ground Game Texas is building a progressive Texas from the ground up, and we could never do it without grassroots supporters like you.

In solidarity,

Julie Oliver & Mike Siegel