Texas State Board of Education Rejected Radical LGBT and Abortion Sex-Ed Textbooks

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fTexas State Board of Education Rejected Radical LGBT and Abortion Sex-Ed Textbooks

This Tuesday, Texas Values testified at the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) where Texas Values Director of Policy, Jonathan Covey, and Senior Policy Advisor, Mary Elizabeth Castle offered statements regarding the Health textbooks being presented for approvalDuring the first deliberation on Tuesday, the Board rejected Human Kinetics and Lessonbee due to too many inappropriate topics that were graphic and obscene. Lessonbee and Human Kinetics also included agendas that introduced radical LGBT ideology and abortion-supportive sex-ed issues in materials that would have been given to young students.  Both of these textbooks also advocated for drug-based sex education by including favorable references to PrEP and PEP HIV medication.You can read more egregious textbook examples here.

Today, the SBOE met and took a final vote on the health instructional materials. Because of your voice, the Goodheart Willcox textbook was modified throughout the week, which benefited parental rights and abstinence focused education. The SBOE voted to adopt one textbook, Goodheart Willcox, by a vote of 10-3, which covers middle school and high school students. The SBOE did not adopt the remaining materials up for consideration.

Texas Values has been involved in  the health education process at the SBOE since 2019. Thank you again for making a difference.

Mark Your Calendars! 

Dallas-Fort Worth on Wednesday, December 8, 2021

We invite you to celebrate Christmas and 2021 with us at our Texas Values Christmas Tour events around the state! 

Our 2021 Dallas-Fort Worth Luncheon is a private, in-person luncheon and will be at Gleneagles Country Club in Plano, Texas on December 8th. We are excited to have the Honorable Rick Perry, the 47th Governor of Texas and Former U.S. Secretary of Energy, to speak as well as Pro-Life Advocate and Leader, Abby Johnson at the Luncheon on December 8th.

You will get a timely update from our President Jonathan Saenz and the Texas Values Policy Team about the 2021 Texas Legislative Sessions and important preview of the upcoming 2022 Elections. If you are able to come to one of these events please get your tickets today! 


U.S. Supreme Court Will Hear Oral Arguments on the Dobbs Case on December 1

Texas Values will be on the ground in D.C. when the Dobbs v Women's Health Organization case will be heard at the U.S. Supreme Court on December 1. The Dobbs case came into existence in 2018, when the Jackson Women's Health Organization filed suit against the Mississippi Law called the Gestational Age Act (HB 1510).

This Law states that once a baby reaches 15 weeks, unless there are very specific emergency-related issues, abortions are prohibited and life is protected. This case is extremely important because it touches on whether or not abortion is a constitutional right that should be regulated by the federal government or is it the concern and right of the state to make their own decisions about abortion. 

This case also concerns the viability standard, namely looking again at whether or not viability should be the standard that defines the permissibility of abortion.

Mississippi asserts that it has a right to protect the right to life of babies once they reach 15 weeks. Whatever happens at the Supreme Court as a result of this case will probably have an impact on Roe v Wade. We must continue to pray that the Justices will act courageously and justly in upholding the dignity of every human life. 


Save The Date! San Antonio Christmas Luncheon

Do not miss the San Antonio area Christmas Reception! This event will be in person on Tuesday, December 14th from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM at the Alamo Cafe on San Pedro Ave.

You will also get a timely update from our President Jonathan Saenz!  Including: 

  • Texas Values 2021 Faith and Family Champions 
  • Texas Heartbeat Law 
  • Save Women's Sports 
  • Texas State Board of Education 
  • Many other issues impacting faith, family, and freedom across Texas

Barbara Cargill, a Former Chair of the Texas State Board of Education joined host, Jonathan Saenz, on the Texas Values Report

On last week's show, Barbara Cargill, a Former Chair of the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) joined host, Jonathan Saenz, and Texas Values Senior Policy Advisor Mary Elizabeth Castle, to discuss the SBOE meeting agenda that happened on November 16th-19th. Watch here.


Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values, All rights reserved.



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Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220
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