“We are very focused on the economic issues that families are facing right now”: NDC Chair Suzan DelBene on MSNBC
NDC Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01) appeared on MSNBC with Garrett Haake earlier this week to discuss the need to vote on the Build Back Better Act as soon as possible and help working American families.
New Democrat Coalition Secures Historic Wins for Americans in the House-passed Build Back Better Act
Today, New Dems unanimously voted to pass the Build Back Better Act, which will improve Americans’ lives in both the short-term and long-term. The once-in-a-generation legislation creates jobs and lowers costs for Americans.
Throughout the reconciliation process, New Dems worked with President Biden, Congressional leaders, and Committees to secure the Coalition’s top policy priorities of extending the enhanced Child Tax Credit, building on the Affordable Care Act, tackling the climate crisis, and empowering communities to create economic development and jobs in the final legislation.
Following the House passage of the Build Back Better Act, NDC Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01) said in part: “The New Democrat Coalition worked tirelessly to ensure that the final bill achieves robust, immediate, and long-term results for our constituents. Democrats ran on strengthening the middle class, expanding access to health care, growing the economy, and protecting our planet. With the enactment of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and House passage of the Build Back Better Act, we are delivering on those promises.”
Andy Flick Joins New Democrat Coalition as Executive Director
The NDC is excited to announce that Andy Flick has joined the team as the Coalition’s new Executive Director. He brings more than a dozen years of experience to the Coalition and has served in New Dem offices throughout his career. Together, we will continue to advance the New Dem agenda of pro-economic growth, pro-innovation, and fiscally responsible polices to build a strong middle class.
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NDC Bill Action
Slotkin’s Strengthening America’s Strategic National Stockpile Act Passes House
NDC Member Legislation
Kuster Introduces Veteran and Beginning Farmer Assistance Act
NDC Vice Chair Annie Kuster (NH-02) introduced the bipartisan Veteran and Beginning Farmer Assistance Act, which would reauthorize the Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas program. This program provides practical educational resources, training, individualized technical assistance, and farmer-to-farmer learning networks.
Torres Introduces the Wildfire Grid Resiliency Act
Rep. Norma Torres (CA-35) introduced the Wildfire Grid Resiliency Act, which authorizes $10 million annually for the next four years to the Department of Energy to carry out a program to help develop new safety technologies for responding to electric grid emergencies that occur as a result of wildfires.
Strickland and Slotkin Introduce the Bringing an End to Harassment by Enhancing Accountability and Rejecting Discrimination in the Workplace Act
Moulton Introduces The Sgt. Issac Woodard, Jr. and Sgt. Joseph H. Maddox G.I. Bill Restoration Act
In honor of Veterans Day, Rep. Seth Moulton (MA-06) introduced The Sgt. Issac Woodard, Jr. and Sgt. Joseph H. Maddox G.I. Bill Restoration Act of 2021. This legislation would provide the families of Black veterans of World War II a transferable benefit that their descendants can use to attend college, secure housing, start businesses, and build generational wealth.
DelBene, Kilmer, Larsen, Schrier, and Strickland Introduce the Protecting Our Marine Mammals Act
NDC Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01), NDC Chair Emeritus Derek Kilmer (WA-06) and Reps. Rick Larsen (WA-02), Kim Schrier (WA-08), and Marilyn Strickland (WA-10) introduced the bipartisan Protecting Our Marine Mammals Act. This legislation expands federal protections to protect and conserve marine mammals.
NDC Member Action
Harder Demands USPS Reverse Newest Wave of Mail Delays and Price Hikes
Rep. Josh Harder (CA-10) sent a letter to Postmaster General Louis Dejoy demanding he reverse the service delays and price hikes he recently implemented at the United States Postal Service (USPS).
The letter reads in part: “A well run postal service is critical for Valley residents–from seniors relying on mailed prescription medications to our small businesses getting their products to customers. These delays have plagued the USPS and carry real consequences.”
Kuster and Pappas Call on the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration to Use PFAS-Free
NDC Vice Chair Annie Kuster (NH-02) and Rep. Chris Pappas (NH-01) penned a letter to the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration urging the agency to ensure airports are able to use firefighting foam free from per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
The letter reads in part: “As Members of Congress who represent communities impacted by PFAS pollution from airports, we are urging the FAA to act swiftly to address this urgent issue. Any delay in updating the current performance requirements and authorizing a PFAS-free alternative will continue to exacerbate the potential contamination of ground and drinking water supplies by PFAS, endangering in the health of those who reside in communities near airports.
Horsford in Las Vegas Sun: “The big winners in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to Nevada workers”
Rep. Steven Horsford (NV-04) penned an op-ed in The Las Vegas Sun about the historic investments in clean energy, broad band, and jobs that the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is bringing to Nevada.
The op-ed reads in part: “Together, the Build Back Better Act and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will make long-overdue investments to strengthen our nation and protect Nevada’s continued growth. With good-paying jobs and a strong economy, Nevada’s future will be bright.”