Earlier this week, Kim joined President Biden at the White House for the signing of the historic bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. This bill will make great progress for our nation by investing in our infrastructure, creating new jobs, and more -- but Kim isn't stopping there.

BREAKING: "House passes Biden’s Build Back Better bill, sending measure with free preschool, climate initiatives to the Senate"
-- USA Today


Earlier this week, Kim joined President Biden at the White House for the signing of the historic bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. This bill will make great progress for our nation by investing in our infrastructure, creating new jobs, and more -- but Kim isn't stopping there.

This morning, Kim voted to pass the Build Back Better Act in the House. This is another critical piece of legislation that will:

✅ Lower prescription drug costs;
✅ Expand access to free, high-quality Pre-K;
✅ Extend the Child Tax Credit;
✅ Provide paid family and medical leave;
✅ Invest in childcare and home health care;
✅ Cap ACA health insurance premiums;
✅ Address the urgent threat of climate change;
✅ Invest in forest management;
✅ And more!

As a mom and pediatrician, Kim knows this legislation is a historic investment in middle class families. The Build Back Better agenda is exactly what Kim promised to accomplish when she was first sent to Congress.

Will you add your name to thank Kim and Democrats in the House for passing the groundbreaking Build Back Better Act?


Team Schrier



National Republicans have named Rep. Kim Schrier's district a top target for the midterms, so we need your help to build another winning campaign. Will you chip in to protect Kim's seat and the Democratic House majority in 2022?

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

Contributions or gifts to Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress are not tax deductible.


Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress
PO Box 2728
Issaquah, WA 98027
United States

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